
Tarot incomplet comme couplet

edition of tarot cards, send a message for info and acquisition



I’ve been working on this set of cards the past 3 years, and must say it feels good to introjuice you to the VAN D’MOORTEL INCOMPLET C’ COUPLET TAROT

For those who are not familiar or just curious, here’s a 1st little guide-you-through the deck.
an intro to the play of 7 light the past, confront with present and unfold the future let’s say these 7 cards are for today’s world and any day, if you don’t agree just shuffle again

for those familiar with my work the cards seem unavoidably part of it, for those who are not it’s also a nice introduction to that universe

For personal readings, info, wanna order a deck of cards?! just send a PM - if you’re not into Tarot yet this can be your ticket, if you’re all over already believe me it’s a nice deck of cards to add to your collection

I’ll be sailing around with these cards to shows, studio, coffee, cities, bars,,exhibitions, the web... so occasions will be plenty for any sort of encounter to get on board 

a hope to enjoy the future as dark as today can be, as far as our past might be